

  PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico,  is only 100 miles long by 35 miles wide, making it the smallest island of the Greater Antilles. It  is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean.  Puerto Rico translates to "rich port" in Spanish because of the gold found in its waters back in the day.  The culture of Puerto Rico has been greatly influenced by its history.  With the blend of Taino Indians, Spanish and African cultures , comes a melting pot of people and traditions, as well as the impact of the United States political and social exchange. CREOLIZATION IN MUSIC Bomba  is a traditional style of Puerto Rican music and dance that reflects the African heritage of the island (Colon- Leon, 2021). The rhythms comprises of three instruments: the  maracas, cuá  (two wooden sticks), and the  Bomba  barrel, which is a large drum played with the hands. Ther

Dutch Caribbean

 ARUBA     Aruba, the 'A' in the ABC islands, is referred to as one happy island, their logo. The people, like most in the Caribbean, are friendly and inviting. The island is, however, less culturally diverse due to the limited African slave traffic (Ganglehoff & LeGrande). Approximately 75% of its population is mixed raced of Amerindian, Spanish, Dutch and African  ancestry, often in combination (Hoetink,2021). Because of Aruba’s strategic location, the Dutch occupied the island in 1636 in order to protect their salt supply from the South American mainland while also ensuring a naval base in the Caribbean during their Eighty Years’ War with Spain (Schields,2016) The culture of Aruba is an combination of the various cultures that have assimilated and lived on the island, including indigenous peoples of South America, descendants of African sl


  HA I TI   Haiti is a country in the Caribbean, apart of the Greater Antilles. It shares a land mass ( the left side when looking at a map) with the Dominican Republic (The land mass is known as Hispaniola). Haiti possesses a rich culture, a strong and proud people and also a series of unfortunate events. When mentioning Haiti, there is a negative connotation, a lot of which I believe to be media influence and miseducation. Haiti, once the jewel of the West Indies, was one of the most prosperous countries this side of the globe known then as Saint Domingue, a French  colony. Rich with history and culture, the story of Haiti has been misguided and deserves to be shared appropriately. Haiti was the first black republic of the New World, following the Haitian revolution lead by a Haitian general who fought for the emancipation of Haiti from the perilous grip of France (Kedon Willis,2022). The Haitian Revolution is the only successful slave revolt in hi


 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Creolization in Music Trinidad and Tobago is a southeasterly island nation apart of the lesser Antilles in the Caribbean. This island nation boasts many different musical styles recognizable by the variation in tempo, melody and instruments .        Calypso is said to have been indigenous to Trinidad and Tobago though it heard and well loved and widely accepted throughout the entire Caribbean  Calypso was the predecessor of many of the musical genres present in Trinidad and Tobago today, in that they all are historically rooted in the combination of Afro Eurocentric infusion (Ralph Henry) . Over the years, Calypso changed and influenced other genres of  music such as Soca, which bears similarity with variation of the sweet sweet Calypso rhythm. Calypso also inspired the Emergence of Rapso which was influenced by the  "African American ghetto c

Survey of Caribbean Music

  The Caribbean: Sugar, Spice and everything nice The Caribbean remains one of the most sort after destinations in the world. With a strong hold on tourism, The Caribbean boasts the perfect climate, some of the most beautiful and luxurious beaches as well as a very rich, deep rooted culture.  Creolization of Caribbean Music- Intro      The creative uniqueness of these islands can be seen in through their culture which encompasses their music, their food, their people, their history. The musical sounds from the Caribbean islands are a unique blend, each island nation its own style or combinations, of Afro-Eurasian ( eastern Asia) influence. This is what is known as creolization, a blend of musical and multicultural traditions, as noted in Tour de Force: A Musical Journey of the Caribbean. With a rhythm than can make you rock your waste-line to  the use of brass instruments adding texture to the melody, The music from the Caribbean seems highly under-rated yet very much top-tier. Junkano